Just wanna released out my anger in a proper way.
My day sort of been ruined.
It's actually a small matter but the way the person handle it actually making it become worse.
Not to mention on his attitude in talking to us
Not to mention on the method he choose to deal with his own stress and feeling
I do not want to bad mouth about people in my own blog
but I seriously think that he should really think and reflect on his own actions.
It's okay to feel stress and to feel frustrated.
Everyone in the room feel the same
But please don't release it out and put it on us.
We don't deserve to receive all that.
I was sort of pissed-off and I decided to voice it out.
If you are pissed, never mind, but please don't stop others from continuing your stuff.
But guys, guess what happened?
I was been ASKED to keep my mouth shut and not to say anything.
I felt even worse, I was totally been pissed-off.
I posted on my status, just to release out my anger without mentioned anyone in particular.
I think I do have the right to post anything I want as long as I did not violate anyone's privacy
Guess what happened again?
He translated my status into English and posted it in our class group by saying some bad word.
I dunno what shall I say about that but I think I was not wrong, maybe I might not be right 100%, I admit that.
Just that I still believe I have the freedom to do things that I want as long as it does not violate anyone's right.
Anger management anger management... >_<