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wHaT hApPeneD tHis f3w dAys makE mE fE3L eXhaUstED aRH!!!!

tHe sTatIstIC AsSiGnment aNd aLsO tHE cOgnItIvE pSycHolOgy eXpeRiMEnt aLmOsT dRivE mE cRazY !!! @.@

fOr ThIS fEw dAys I dOn eVen hAv3 eNougH tImE tO sLe3p..

3-4 hOuRs pEr dAyS..

pLuS nOw iS cRitiCal pEriOd tIm3...

thIs MaKe tHingS b3cOme eVeN wOrSt...

I'm rEaLly V3Ry tIrED aLrEadY..

fiNaL iS cOmIng bUt I hAveN EveN toUCh tHe BoOks...

sO, I rEaLLy hOpE tHaT tHingS wiLL TurN InTo tHe BrIGht sId3..

I dOn'T EveN kNow hOw lOng I cAn sTaY wItH tHis tErRiBle lAcKing oF sL33p..

sO, dO pRaY fOr m3 fOr nOt faiNteD iN tHE mIDdl3 oF tH3 cLasS oR iN tH3 midDL3 Of tH3 rOaD lA...

3 条评论:

Patrick 说...

Alright~ I will pray for you~
I pray for you to release your burden and tiredness
and let you have joy and have peace in your life~ OK??

:) 说...

Cheer up...
Everthing will be fine...
Juz do ur best n let Guan Yim Ma handle the rest ...haha

n1523 说...

haha.. thx both of you.. althought one is from the perspective of buddha and another is fr chirstian..
i'll stil appreciate de..